4 Step Admissions Process – made easy to complete

Thank you for your interest in the International Section of the Korean International School (KIS).

KIS has rolling admissions and we accept applications all year round, placing new students throughout the year as spaces become available. Please read the following information before you complete your application form:

Step 1: Submit Application Form

All applications are processed a year ahead of entry. (This includes those children with sibling priority).

An application fee of HK$2,000 is an administrative fee that must be paid to initiate the application review and admission process. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. The acceptance is based on student space availability during the student’s intended enrolment.

Before filling out the Application Form (HERE), ensure that you have the necessary documents prepared for submission:

Supporting Documents:
  1. One passport-size photo of your child (uploaded to the form)
  2. Copies of school reports from the last two years (where applicable)
  3. ID document and passport copy of parents and students
  4. Student Reference Form :
    As part of the Application Process and for an Acceptance Offer to be issued, a Student Reference Form MUST be completed for students of Year 4 to Year 13. The completed Student Reference form (HERE) must be returned directly from the current school to our Admission Team by post or email

If you’re unable to provide any of these documents, please contact our Admissions Team at and we will work directly with you to best complete your application.

Age To Year Placement:

The International Section uses the following guidelines to place each applicant in the correct year:

Step 2: Application Review

The applications are processed according to the date the application form and accompanying documents are received. A notification acknowledging receipt of the application will be issued and the child will be placed on the application waiting list.


Our Admissions Committee reviews all completed applications. We will contact you with the next steps once your application has been reviewed. If, at any point in the process, you have any questions or would like to inquire about the status of your application, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or +852 2569 5500.


Priority is given to siblings and therefore the position on the waiting list can change. Parents are encouraged to inform the Admissions Team: of any change in their information.

Step 3: Internal Assessment & Interview

Once we have identified a place for your child, our Admissions Team will contact you to arrange an assessment. 

The medium of instruction for the International Section is English and all applicants are required to complete an English assessment. Below are the tests required for Primary and Secondary students:

Primary Admissions AssessmentSecondary Admissions Assessment
English Test
Mathematics Test
Social Skill Test
English Test
Mathematics Test
Non-Verbal Test

The final decision on acceptance and class allocation will be made by the Principal following the interview.

For details of the assessment and interview procedure for the Springboard programme please click HERE

For further information, please contact the Admissions Team:

Step 4: Acceptance Offer & Waiting Pool
Acceptance Offer:

We will contact parents one – two weeks after the assessment. If we are able to offer your child a place (i.e. Acceptance Offer), the Admissions Team will contact you to provide further information regarding our enrolment process.

If we are not able to offer your child a place at that time, your child’s application will go into the Waiting Pool.

Waiting Pool:
  • If the applicant has completed all qualifications to be accepted to KIS. but the current ‘Year’ level has no vacancies, or if the applicant requires Learning Enhancement Services that are currently at capacity, the applicant will be placed on our waiting pool until an available space opens up.
  • The applicant may stay on the waiting pool for a period of Six Months from the date of notification.
    The admissions department will notify you when a placement becomes available and your child will be invited for a reassessment. This will allow our teachers to reconfirm the specific type of support he/she will need, ensuring that we are able to cater for his/her individual needs effectively.
  • If you choose not to and would like to still enrol in KIS at a later date, you must go through the application process again.
  • The waiting pool does not operate on a first come first serve basis. There are specific criteria the admission team uses to decide which student will fill up an open spot. Such criteria include gender, sibling priority, nationality or learning enhancement needs.